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Lily Auchincloss Foundation

Eligibility Criteria

Before applying for a Foundation Grant, please make sure your organization meets ALL of the following eligibility criteria.

Once you have determined that your organization is eligible please also read the application instructions, which will better prepare you for the application process. In these instructions you will be able to view a sample application and a sample budget.

Organizations may request general operating support or program support. Organizations with a $10M budget or larger must apply for a program.

Organizations or fiscal sponsor organizations with a budget over $1M must have an audited financial statement or signed 990 not older than 18 months.

Organizations may apply only once a year, and only one category per organization.

The Foundation cannot process applications that do not meet the criteria.

Eligibility Criteria:

1. Organizations that serve the five boroughs of New York City.

2. Organizations must have a 501(c)3 status or a fiscal sponsor organization.
Fiscal sponsor organizations must be located within the five boroughs of New York City.

Lily Auchincloss Foundation will not consider:

1. Individuals

2. Programs outside of the five boroughs of New York City

3. Research projects

4. Mental health programs, medical services, hospitals, nursing homes, substance use disorder programs

5. Universities or schools (public, private or charter schools)

Arts Grants

Please note that Lily Auchincloss Foundation has narrowed the scope of its Arts Grants.

Given an overwhelming number of applications in recent years, the Foundation will focus its arts funding on organizations providing the experiences and services described below. Please review this information carefully to assess your eligibility.

Lily Auchincloss Foundation recognizes the arts as an essential component of life in New York City. Arts and culture enhance our lives in countless ways, subtle and profound. The Foundation’s Arts Grants support organizations that help to make the city affordable and welcoming for audiences and for artists.

Organizations may request general operating support* or program support in the following areas:
*Organizations with a $10M budget or larger must apply for a program.

1. Access for Audiences
Lily Auchincloss Foundation funds organizations with a history (3+ years) of providing FREE exhibitions, performances, and events that welcome audiences to take part in arts-based experiences, including arts education programs.

2. Access for Artists
Lily Auchincloss Foundation funds organizations providing artists with FREE AND LOW-COST professional support, including studio space, specialized equipment and workshops (i.e. papermaking, glass-making facilities, printmaking studios), and career services.

Environmental Grants

Lily Auchincloss Foundation funds organizations providing services for the preservation of the history of New York City, parks, gardens, and environmental education.

Human Services Grants

Lily Auchincloss Foundation funds organizations whose mission and services support prevention, social change, and education programs aimed at improving the quality of life for all New York City residents.

Discretionary Awards are by nomination only

Individual members of the Board of Directors initiate these Awards. The Foundation does not accept unsolicited proposals for Discretionary Awards. Discretionary Awards are subject to approval by the Board and are not renewable. You will be notified if your organization has been nominated for a Discretionary Award.

Please contact us should you have any questions.